error AssetClassMismatch(bytes4 provided, bytes4 required)
Thrown when the asset has invalid class for specific operation.
Name | Type | Description |
provided | bytes4 | Provided class ID. |
required | bytes4 | Required class ID. |
error AssetCollectionMismatch(address expected, address actual)
error AssetOrderMismatch(address token, uint256 left, uint256 right)
event AssetTransfer(struct Assets.Asset asset, address from, address to, bytes data)
Emitted when asset is transferred.
Name | Type | Description |
asset | struct Assets.Asset | Asset being transferred. |
from | address | Asset sender. |
to | address | Asset recipient. |
data | bytes | Auxiliary data. |
function assetClass() external pure returns (bytes4)
Returns controller asset class.
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bytes4 | Asset class ID. |
function transfer(struct Assets.Asset asset, address from, address to, bytes data) external
Transfers asset. Emits a {AssetTransfer} event.
Name | Type | Description |
asset | struct Assets.Asset | Asset being transferred. |
from | address | Asset sender. |
to | address | Asset recipient. |
data | bytes | Auxiliary data. |
function transferAssetToVault(struct Assets.Asset asset, address assetOwner, address vault) external
Transfers asset from owner to the vault contract.
Name | Type | Description |
asset | struct Assets.Asset | Asset being transferred. |
assetOwner | address | Original asset owner address. |
vault | address | Asset vault contract address. |
function returnAssetFromVault(struct Assets.Asset asset, address vault) external
Transfers asset from the vault contract to the original owner.
Name | Type | Description |
asset | struct Assets.Asset | Asset being transferred. |
vault | address | Asset vault contract address. |
function collectionId(struct Assets.AssetId assetId) external pure returns (bytes32)
Decodes asset ID structure and returns collection identifier. The collection ID is bytes32 value which is calculated based on the asset class. For example, ERC721 collection can be identified by address only, but for ERC1155 it should be calculated based on address and token ID.
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bytes32 | Collection ID. |
function ensureSorted(struct Assets.AssetId[] assets) external pure
Ensures asset array is sorted in incremental order. This is required for batched listings to guarantee stable hashing