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error CallerIsNotRenter()

Thrown when the message sender doesn't match the renter address.


error RentalAgreementNeverExisted(uint256 rentalId)

Thrown when the Rental Agreement with `rentalId` is not registered among present or historical Rental Agreements, meaning it has never existed.

Name Type Description
rentalId uint256 The ID of Rental Agreement that never existed.


event AssetRented(uint256 rentalId, address renter, uint256 listingId, struct Assets.Asset[] warpedAssets, uint32 startTime, uint32 endTime)

Emitted when the warped asset(s) are rented.

Name Type Description
rentalId uint256 Rental agreement ID.
renter address The renter account address.
listingId uint256 The corresponding ID of the original asset(s) listing.
warpedAssets struct Assets.Asset[] Rented warped asset(s).
startTime uint32 The rental agreement staring time.
endTime uint32 The rental agreement ending time.


function collectionRentedValue(bytes32 warpedCollectionId, address renter) external view returns (uint256)

Returns token amount from specific collection rented by particular account.

Name Type Description
warpedCollectionId bytes32 Warped collection ID.
renter address The renter account address.
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 Rented value.


function assetRentalStatus(struct Assets.AssetId warpedAssetId) external view returns (enum Rentings.RentalStatus)

Returns the rental status of a given warped asset.

Name Type Description
warpedAssetId struct Assets.AssetId Warped asset ID.
Name Type Description
[0] enum Rentings.RentalStatus The asset rental status.


function estimateRent(struct Rentings.Params rentingParams) external view returns (struct Rentings.RentalFees)

Evaluates renting params and returns rental fee breakdown.

Name Type Description
rentingParams struct Rentings.Params Renting parameters.
Name Type Description
[0] struct Rentings.RentalFees Rental fee breakdown.


function rent(struct Rentings.Params rentingParams, bytes tokenQuote, bytes tokenQuoteSignature, uint256 maxPaymentAmount) external returns (uint256)

Performs renting operation.

Name Type Description
rentingParams struct Rentings.Params Renting parameters.
tokenQuote bytes
tokenQuoteSignature bytes
maxPaymentAmount uint256 Maximal payment amount the renter is willing to pay.
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 New rental ID.


function rentalAgreementInfo(uint256 rentalId) external view returns (struct Rentings.Agreement)

Returns the Rental Agreement details by the `rentalId`. Performs a look up among both present (contains active and inactive, but not yet deleted Rental Agreements) and historical ones (inactive and deleted Rental Agreements only).

Name Type Description
rentalId uint256 Rental agreement ID.
Name Type Description
[0] struct Rentings.Agreement Rental agreement details.


function userRentalCount(address renter) external view returns (uint256)

Returns the number of currently registered rental agreements for particular renter account.

Name Type Description
renter address Renter address.
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 Rental agreement count.


function userRentalAgreements(address renter, uint256 offset, uint256 limit) external view returns (uint256[], struct Rentings.Agreement[])

Returns the paginated list of currently registered rental agreements for particular renter account.

Name Type Description
renter address Renter address.
offset uint256 Starting index.
limit uint256 Max number of items.
Name Type Description
[0] uint256[] Rental agreement IDs.
[1] struct Rentings.Agreement[] Rental agreements.