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function calculateRentalTax(struct ITaxTermsRegistry.Params taxTermsParams, struct Rentings.Params rentingParams, uint256 taxableAmount) external view returns (uint256 universeBaseTax, uint256 protocolBaseTax, struct ITaxTermsRegistry.TaxTerms universeTaxTerms, struct ITaxTermsRegistry.TaxTerms protocolTaxTerms)

Calculates rental tax based on renting params and implemented taxation strategy.

Name Type Description
taxTermsParams struct ITaxTermsRegistry.Params Listing tax strategy override params.
rentingParams struct Rentings.Params Renting params.
taxableAmount uint256 Total taxable amount.
Name Type Description
universeBaseTax uint256 Universe rental tax (taxableAmount * universeBaseTax / 100%).
protocolBaseTax uint256 Protocol rental tax (taxableAmount * protocolBaseTax / 100%).
universeTaxTerms struct ITaxTermsRegistry.TaxTerms Universe tax terms.
protocolTaxTerms struct ITaxTermsRegistry.TaxTerms Protocol tax terms.


function strategyId() external pure returns (bytes4)

Returns implemented listing tax strategy ID.

Name Type Description
[0] bytes4 Taxation strategy ID.