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Warper rental period. It contains both - the min and max values (uint32) - in a concatenated form.










function _ConfigurableRentalPeriodExtension_init() internal

Extension initializer.


function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual returns (bool)


function __setMinRentalPeriod(uint32 minRentalPeriod) external virtual

Sets warper min rental period.

Name Type Description
minRentalPeriod uint32 New min rental period value.


function __setMaxRentalPeriod(uint32 maxRentalPeriod) external virtual

Sets warper max rental period.

Name Type Description
maxRentalPeriod uint32 New max rental period value.


function __minRentalPeriod() external view virtual returns (uint32)

Returns warper minimal rental period.

Name Type Description
[0] uint32 Time is seconds.


function __maxRentalPeriod() external view virtual returns (uint32)

Returns warper maximal rental period.

Name Type Description
[0] uint32 Time is seconds.


function __rentalPeriodRange() external view returns (uint32 minRentalPeriod, uint32 maxRentalPeriod)

Returns warper rental period range.

Name Type Description
minRentalPeriod uint32 The minimal amount of time the warper can be rented for.
maxRentalPeriod uint32 The maximal amount of time the warper can be rented for.


function _setRentalPeriods(uint32 minRentalPeriod, uint32 maxRentalPeriod) internal

Stores warper rental period.


function _rentalPeriods() internal view returns (uint32 minRentalPeriod, uint32 maxRentalPeriod)

Returns warper rental periods.