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error WarperRentalPeriodIsOutOfRange(uint32 requestedRentalPeriod, uint32 minRentalPeriod, uint32 maxRentalPeriod)

Thrown when the requested rental period is not withing the warper allowed rental period range.


function __minRentalPeriod() external view returns (uint32)

Returns warper minimal rental period.

Name Type Description
[0] uint32 Time is seconds.


function __maxRentalPeriod() external view returns (uint32)

Returns warper maximal rental period.

Name Type Description
[0] uint32 Time is seconds.


function __rentalPeriodRange() external view returns (uint32 minRentalPeriod, uint32 maxRentalPeriod)

Returns warper rental period range.

Name Type Description
minRentalPeriod uint32 The minimal amount of time the warper can be rented for.
maxRentalPeriod uint32 The maximal amount of time the warper can be rented for.