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error ZeroAddress()

reverts if given address is zero address.


error CallerIsNotLister()

Thrown when the provided `account` doesn't match the Listing params' lister address.


struct ListingTermsPack {
  string group;
  struct IListingTermsRegistry.ListingTerms config;


function listWithTermsForUniverse(contract GeneralGuildPreset preset, struct Assets.Asset[] assets, struct Listings.Params params, uint32 maxLockPeriod, bool immediatePayout, uint256 universeId, struct IGeneralGuildWizardV1.ListingTermsPack[] terms) external

Creates new listing and fill in listing terms on universe level. Emits an {ListingCreated, UniverseListingTermsRegistered} events.

Name Type Description
preset contract GeneralGuildPreset General Guild Preset based Listing Configurator.
assets struct Assets.Asset[] Assets to be listed.
params struct Listings.Params Listing params.
maxLockPeriod uint32 The maximum amount of time the original asset owner can wait before getting the asset back.
immediatePayout bool Indicates whether the rental fee must be transferred to the lister on every renting. * If FALSE, the rental fees get accumulated until withdrawn manually.
universeId uint256 Universe ID.
terms struct IGeneralGuildWizardV1.ListingTermsPack[] Listing terms on universe level. * Makes possible to run this {assets} only within this universe.