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constructor(address metahub) public

Warper Wizard constructor


function registerWarper(address existingWarperAddress, struct ITaxTermsRegistry.TaxTerms universeWarperTaxTerms, struct IWarperManager.WarperRegistrationParams warperRegistrationParams, bytes32 warperPresetId, bytes warperInitData) external returns (address deployedWarperAddress)

Does a registration of Warper. Step 1. deploy Warper from a preset (if no `existingWarperAddress` is provided); Step 2. register deployed Warper; Step 3. define Warper Tax Terms in Universe;

Name Type Description
existingWarperAddress address Already deployed Warper address.
universeWarperTaxTerms struct ITaxTermsRegistry.TaxTerms Tax Terms for Warper in Universe.
warperRegistrationParams struct IWarperManager.WarperRegistrationParams Not fully filled (without universeId) Warper registration params.
warperPresetId bytes32 Warper Preset ID.
warperInitData bytes Bytes with Warper constructor params.
Name Type Description
deployedWarperAddress address Deployed Warper address (new or existing one)


function deregisterWarper(address warperAddress) external

Deregisters Warper and removes its Tax Terms.

Name Type Description
warperAddress address address of Warper to deregister.


function alterWarperTaxTerms(address warperAddress, struct ITaxTermsRegistry.TaxTerms newUniverseWarperTaxTerms) external

Alters Warper's Tax Terms.

Name Type Description
warperAddress address address of Warper to alter Tax Terms for.
newUniverseWarperTaxTerms struct ITaxTermsRegistry.TaxTerms New Tax Terms for Warper in Universe.


function contractKey() external pure returns (bytes4)

Returns implemented contract key.

Name Type Description
[0] bytes4 Contract key;


function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view returns (bool)

_Returns true if this contract implements the interface defined by `interfaceId`. See the corresponding[EIP section] to learn more about how these ids are created.

This function call must use less than 30 000 gas._